Friday, January 24, 2020

Similarities And Differences Of Characters In The Sound And The Fury :: Sound Fury Characters

The Sound and the Fury is a compelling story that shows different aspects of a family that is slowly deteriorating. William Faulkner made it clear that one of the most important aspects of this novel is the theme of loss. Faulkner gave the views of four different individuals who all had one main obsession, their sister Caddy, who in a way symbolizes the loss that each person endures and the deterioration of the south. Caddy, who did not have a part in the novel to tell her side of the story, was viewed very differently by each of her brothers. This novel tells a story of the Compson family on their way of distinction. The story begin with Benjamin who is mentally challenge tells the first section of the story; this is one of the most difficult chapters of the book that is very difficult to comprehend for the simple fact that Benjamin has no motion of time. Therefore he constantly goes back in forth with the present and past. In order to fully understand the chapter, you must slowly comprehend when he is speaking of the past and when he is speaking in the present. All his memories have to do with Caddy. She was the one who gave him order. His life was based around Caddy because she was the mother figure in his life. She was the one that gave Benjamin the love he needed. There was a point in the novel were Luster was taking Benjamin and he started to cry hysterically because Luster took him on an unfamiliar route; Jason found out he hit Luster and told him to never do that again or he’ll kill him because Benjamin lost the order he lived with. Without the familiarity of his surroundings th ere would not be any meaning to his life. The only thing he has left in his life is the memories he had with his sister. When Caddy ran away Benjamin lost the order in his life and the loved he needed. The second chapter was told by Quentin, which was much easier to comprehend than the first chapter and he tells his perspective of events that happened in his past that he hasn’t quite gotten over. Quentin had a close bond with his sister Caddy. Quentin cares about the old southern code of honor.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Raising College Tuition Essay

1. Working in A Writer’s Resource, Ch 2 a.How to approach assignments? Reading your assignment carefully and making sure you under what the assignment is asking of you. Write down things you would say, and give some examples. Think about whom you are writing to or about and how you would say it. b.The suggested â€Å"Activities for Exploring Ideas†. Start writing whatever comes to mind. You can start by jotting down your ideas and don’t worry about the spelling and punctuations. Give yourself a couple of minutes and stop. Pick out important ideas to start with. Explore your ideas in your own language. Keep notes and annotations, along with keeping a journal with you all the time. Jot down notes on daily matters just in case you may want to use it. c.The suggested steps in developing a working thesis. It should make a special statement on your topic. You should be able to explore with different ideas. 2. Working in Patters, Ch 2 read and briefly summarizes the importance of: a.Invention or prewriting- What int erests you, and developing ideas for your essay? Write down important words and highlight them. b.Understanding the assignment- The important thing to remember is to make sure you understand the assignment. Read the assignment twice, and if you have any questions, ask your instructor. Underline the key words. What is this assignment asking you, a question or to read aloud. c.Setting limits such as length, purpose, audience, occasion, and knowledge. When you understanding the assignment, set a limit on how long should it be, where’s it going, how to say and to whom you saying it to. Are you reading it to your class or a group? Determine how much or little information to give them. Did you take time to do any research? 3. Continuing in Patterns, Ch. 2, complete the following exercises: a. Exercise 2. Make a list of different audiences to whom you speak or write in your daily life. Then record your answer to the following questions: I spent my daily life with co-workers, customers, and my family. 1.Do you speak or write to each person in the same way and about the same things? If not, how do your approaches to these people differ? I speak to my coworkers with friendly smiles and talk about how their weekend was. With my customers, you greet them with a smile, seeing if they need help in finding items. 2. List some subjects that would interest some of these people but not others. How do you account for these differences? The subjects that I would talk about with my co-workers and customers are very different from the conversation I would have with my family and friends. With family and friends we talk about our kids and school. And with co-workers and customers I talk about work, house ware, bedding, fashions, women’s and men’s wear. 3.Choose one of the following subjects, and describe how you would speak or write to different audiences about it. Taking a year off before college-   I actually took off thirty-nine years before I went by to college. Speaking from experience I find it very hard in going back to school. Writing would probably be a lot easier, because after you wrote down everything you wanted to talk about you can just read it to your audiences. Speaking is different. Because, you can go on in telling your story and you will know you got the attention of your audience. b. Exercise 3 Indicate whether each of the following is a general subject or a specific topic that is narrow enough for a short essay. 1.An argument against fast-food ads that are aimed at young children (specific topic) 2.Home schooling (general subject) 3.Cell phones and driving (general subject) 4.Changes in U.S immigration laws (specific topic) 5.Requiring college students to study a foreign language (specific topic) 6.The advantages of funding health care for children of undocumented workers (specific topic) 7.A comparison of small-town and big-city living (specific topic) 8.Student loans (general subject) 9.The advantages of service-learning courses (general subject) 10.The need for totally electric cars (specific topic) Exercise 8 Assess the strengths and weaknesses of the following as thesis statements. 1.My instructor has an attendance policy. Having an attendance policy is for the benefit of all students. Walking into the class room late is very rude. I find it very annoying and I would feel embarrass because it interrupts the instructor from teaching. Not only from teaching but what about when you’re going to work. Would your boss accept you being late? Those policies are there for a reason, to expect the responsibility of being an adult. 2.My instructor should change her attendance policy because it is bad. Changing the policy because it is bad, only points out that the person is not willing to take on the responsibility of being there on time. Plan ahead and schedule yourself plenty of time for class. 3.My instructor should change her attendance policy because it is unreasonable, inflexible, and unfair. Not taking this seriously only shows their weakness. 4.For many people, a community college makes more sense than a four-year college or university. Going into community college right after high school is best for you. This way you would have two-years of pre-preparing yourself for a four-year college or university. This statement is too weak to continue. 5.Some children show violent behavior. The word children have a lot of history to go by. You can do a lot of research on this and you would not find any results in the behavior of children’s. 6.Violence is a problem in our society. We will always have the protection from our government, and families. But then that’s not enough. There will always be someone out there to hurt someone. This statement can go on forever and will never get to the end. 7.Conflict-resolution courses should be taught to help prevent violence in America’s schools. There will always be education and precaution to protect our children’s in schools. Violence is so close to home now, that if you walk down the street and look at someone you’ll get hurt for just looking. 8.Social networking sites such as Facebook can cause problems. I don’t know that much about Facebook, and I hear a lot of stories about this network being use by a lot young kids. I can see the problems that can happen when things get posted. 9.F acebook attracts many college students. This statement shows weakness, it’s not going in any kind of direction. Example, we all know that many high school and college students use Facebook. 10.College students should be careful of what material they put on their Facebook pages because prospective employers routinely check them. There is that possibility of employers checking the networks, because that is there job to protect any viruses that could infect their programs. Those programs are valuable to their work. This is a very strong thesis statement and has no sign of weakness. Continuing in Patterns, Ch 2, develop an argumentative thesis by completing the following steps: a.Choose and record one general subject of interest to write about. The general subject should lead to a strong claim that has counter-claims. #12 raising college tuition (general subject) b.Use the probing questions on p. 34 to move from a general subject to a specific topic to argue. Record your specific topic or focus. More students than ever are attempting to get a college degree. (Specific topic) c.Using free write The cost of college has gotten higher every year. This has put parents to borrow from banks with outages loan. The cost of education for college student has gone way beyond it’s means. A lot has to do with inflation, the cost of living, job security. The interest rate is higher on every and financial aide program by the government. We need to have good teacher, which cost money, plus needs to meet the budget. d.Cluster or informal outline;

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Bullying And Its Effect On Children - 1072 Words

There are many non-violent ways in which a Christian should respond to any type of bullying. These can include physical bullying, social bullying, cyberbullying and many more. Bullying is the act of intentionally harming others through harassment, assault or manipulation. Source A is an example of how a student had been bullied in grade school. When they got to a bigger school called Junior High, they had less chance to interact. One day that student had come to the cafeteria where the other student was eating lunch. Unexpectedly, he came over and started punching the other student on the arm. That student had enough of him and stood up for himself by taking the other student and pushing him back up against the wall telling him to never touch me again. He never did. There are a number of reasons for the Christian approach to bullying using the bible passages of John, Matthew and Luke. One way in which a Christian should respond to bullying in the area or active non violence is by supporting faith and truthfulness. 22 When Jesus said this, one of the officials nearby slapped him in the face. â€Å"Is this the way you answer the high priest?† he demanded. 23 â€Å"If I said something wrong,† Jesus replied, â€Å"testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?†(John 18:22-23). In John 18:22-23, Jesus was being bullied by an officer and he countered with a question. When he had said these things, one of the officers standing by struck Jesus with his hand,Show MoreRelatedThe Effects of Bullying on Children1344 Words   |  5 Pages Bullying in schools is believed to be a normal part of school life, however, when people begin to have this mentality, they forget that bullying is physically and psychologically harmful to both the bully and the victim, therefore, bullying must be eradicated from schools by raising awareness and increasing supervision. The act of bullying or the fear of being bullied underlies almost everything kids do these days. No longer can students leave the gossip and self-doubt at school and go home forRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children1413 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Bullying is considered to be aggressive behavior that is repeated or has the potential to be repeated, over a period of time. The actions of bullying can include spreading rumors, making threats, verbally or physically attacking someone, or purposely isolating someone from a group. As children attempt to make sense of traumatic events, new behavioral problems can stem from re-experienced occurrences. Some children affected may disassociate themselves from the situations and absorb themselvesRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children1476 Words   |  6 Pagesseveral decades, bullying has spread significantly. It has been present all over the world for as long as people can remember. And when technology was released, it created new ways for people to communicate, which made bullying become even worse than before. Adults, teenagers, and children that are all the same are being bullied. Bullying can take form in many different ways, as well as it can affect the victim, and people ar e also able to stop the behavior. THE TYPES OF BULLYING A bullying victim canRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children1181 Words   |  5 PagesBullying is unwanted behavior that causes a child to feel isolated and alone. In order for an act to be considered bullying the act has to be, or be able to be repeated multiple times. Bullying can be done verbally by teasing, name-calling, taunting or inappropriate sexual comments directed at someone to purposefully upset them. Bullying can be done socially by isolating students on purpose, telling other students not to play with them, spreading rumors about students or attempting to embarrassRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Children1528 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Bullying can happen anywhere and to anyone whether it is online or in person. It can happen at school, in your neighborhood, or while your on-line. â€Å"Bullying is when someone is being hurt by words or by actions on purpose.† â€Å"Cyberbullying is using technology - internet, email, cell phones, social media, pictures - to hurt or harm someone.† It can have a major effect on the bully and the victim both. But, bullying is not just name calling, it is also teasing, spreading rumors, leavingRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Children1366 Words   |  6 Pagescausing this behavior. Primary school is an especially tough time for our young ones. If educators are really looking to put an end to bullying, they have to attack it from the root of the problem (Linder-Altman). What a child is wearing will not get them bullied, it depends on the bully. Making uniforms mandatory in efforts to decrease bullying, only teaches our children that the only way to be accepted is by conforming which is not what we should be pushing for. It’s important to attack the problemRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Children1533 Words   |  7 PagesBullying can happen anywhere and to anyone whether it is online or in person. It can happen at school, in your neighborhood, or while your on-line. â€Å"Bullying is when someone is being hurt by words or by actions on purpose.† â€Å"Cyberbullying is using technology - internet, email, cell phones, social media, pictures - to hurt or harm someone.† It can have a major effect on the bully and the victim both. But, bullying is not just name calling, it is also teasing, spreading rumors, leaving someone outRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children864 Words   |  4 PagesKerianna Rimmer Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied someone? Bullying has become a huge issue. It is occurring all across the world. There are a few different types of bullying, which I will be discussing. First, bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among children. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential of being repeated. Both kids who bully and are bullied may have serious, lasting problems. Bullying is a form of behavior in which someone repeatedly and intentionally causesRead MoreBullying And Its Effects On Children1990 Words   |  8 Pagesmore than 160,000 children miss school out of fear of being bullied, according to National Education Association estimates. Bullying takes many forms, ranging from the seemingly innocuous name-calling to the more harmful cyberbullying to severe physical violence. It happens everywhere, at all times to the most vulnerable of kids, especially those who are obese, gay or have a disability. And besides the physical, emotional and psychological tolls it imposes on victims, bullying produces adverse socioeconomicRead MoreBullying And Its Effect On Children1144 Words   |  5 PagesBullying is found in elementary, middle, and high school all around the world. School bullying occurs at similar rates such as cultures, countries and educational settings. It can take many direct and indirect forms, like physical violence, name calling, taunting, teasing, horrible rumors, and social exclusion. Since the late 90’s, several school shootings committed by the victims of the school bullying have brought media attention to the issue. First, bullying depends upon imbalance of power,